Saturday, February 2, 2013

Lawson Couch example

My first post where my intention is to just update posts where I didn't have any commentary
I will re-post and after a week or so move the info to the old post and delete the new one.
This is from the original post of July 12. Couch names are somewhat akin to cars - you have sedan, convertable, sports and Chevrolet, Toyota and Mercedes and within these categories you can have Camry, Prius Corolla etc.. If you are not in the know, you wouldn't know which is which. For example in the couch world a davenport is a brand name, whereas the Lawson is an accepted style. The is my first type that I am featuring
The definition from

"The Lawson has a low, squarish back, with arms that are lower than the back. The form can have square or rolled arms."

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